Share the Love with ClickBank Joint Ventures!

ClickBank Joint Ventures are literally win-win situations.

There are countless examples of partnerships that have proven successful. Just look at Ben and Jerry’s…two regular guys who once took a $5 ice cream making class and have since created a delicious empire virtually known by everyone.

Two heads are better than one. Have you and a partner created the next big sensation in your industry? It’s time to get it out there! With ClickBank joint ventures, there are many such opportunities to reward collaboration and partnership efforts.


When does a joint venture make sense?

Share the love your products receive with the people that help make it a success. A Joint Venture is a type of contract that allows multiple partners to receive commissions on the sale of different products. Partners can include anyone from another vendor, to an affiliate to a copywriter etc.


Types of JV Contracts

There are four types of Joint Venture Contracts. Which is the right one for you?

  • Traditional JV Contract
    Share revenue from the sale of a product with a partner.
  • Up-sell JV Contracts
    You have a great product. But a different vendor has a product that’s a perfect complement to yours. With a JV up-sell contract, you can include their product as part of your up-sell flow then divide the proceeds accordingly.
  • Affiliate Referral Contracts
    This type of JV contract shares revenues with affiliates secured through an affiliate manager or broker. For example, a vendor can create an Affiliate JV Contract with someone that has multiple related affiliates to promote the product.
  • Affiliate JV Contracts
    In this type of contract, multiple affiliates can share the revenues of your sales. That way, your affiliates can collaborate on marketing campaigns that help increase their overall sales.

How do you set one up?

Once you’ve decided on the type of Joint Venture that is right for you, each party involved has to have their own ClickBank account. Once that’s taken care of, set up your JV contract by referring to the set up instructions listed in the Joint Venture Knowledge Base Article.

Important Things to Know:

-Sharing revenues does not have to be 50/50. ClickBank allows you to configure the values accordingly.

-You must specify the starting and ending dates of the Joint Venture.

How has a Joint Venture been successful in your entrepreneurial efforts? Leave a comment on our Facebook page