Tips to Ensure a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Planning a successful email marketing campaign is a high stakes process. There’s not a lot of room to mess up. If you do, you risk losing subscribers and customers.

When you’re marketing your business, you have to be as strategic as possible. If you don’t want people to unsubscribe like hotcakes, you’ve got to make sure that you’re providing great content. These tips will ensure that your subscribers can’t wait for your next update and that you run a successful email marketing campaign.

Watch Your Subject Line

You need a great subject line that will hook readers but won’t trigger spam filters and land in your customers spam box. Keep it short and concise and avoid using words like words like “free” and “discount”.

According to research conducted by MailChimp, the best subject lines are…subject lines that describe the subject of your email. Sounds simple enough, right? Here are some examples, try them out for yourself!

  • [Company Name] Sales & Marketing Newsletter
  • Invitation from [Company Name]
  • August 2014 Newsletter
  • We’re Throwing a Party

Give Them What They Want 

From time to time include a survey or poll in your newsletter so you can find out more about your readers and what types of content they’re interested in. Giving them what they want ensures they’ll read your emails.

Don’t Overwhelm Them

Sending emails too frequently only results in frustrated subscribers. Sending a monthly newsletter in addition to occasional discounts and promotions during timely events like birthdays and holidays is frequent enough to keep your brand in front of your subscribers, and yet not so often that they feel bombarded.

Ensure Quality Content

Your message must fulfill the promise of your subject line. For example, if your subject line says “You’re Invited to the Secret Sale” and your message talks nothing about the sale, then you’ll run into trouble.

Another step towards quality content is to personalize your emails whenever possible. Including a first name or personalized product recommendations are known to increase sales conversion rates by 15-25%.


A/B testing is pretty essential to the success of your campaign. You should constantly strive to improve your campaign’s performance metrics. Change one variable at a time and conduct your tests with a sizable audience to ensure statistical significance. Here are a few things you could test:

  • Subject lines
  • Call to actions
  • Wording
  • Images
  • Send times

Of all of the online marketing strategies, email marketing is probably the least expensive and easiest to implement. What are you waiting for? Start building your list so you can start marketing your business today!

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